How To Rank Up & Get Skill Points Fast

The skill trees in Dynasty Warriors Origins play an important role in making your character stronger by increasing your stats and unlocking new abilities.

You can choose to deal more damage, have better defense, gain extra health, and more.


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The power fantasy to slice and dice enemies with ridiculously overpowered weapons is intoxicating.

This is where the rank system and different weapons come in. The more proficient you are at using a weapon, the more rank points you get. Additionally, you also unlock new combos, moves, and battle arts for the said weapon.

Each mission also has a recommended rank level that affects how easy or hard your battles will be. So, while you can rank up in Dynasty Warriors Origins just by progressing through the story, here are a few more things you can do to optimize the leveling process.

How To Rank Up In Dynasty Warriors Origins

How Weapon Ranks Work In Dynasty Warriors Origins

You need to increase your weapon proficiency by using it in main mission battles, skirmishes, or side quests to rank them up. Each new level or tier raises the number of EXP points needed for the next level.

Initially, your character starts with a Sword, and you get a Spear after a few battles. As you progress through the story, you unlock new weapons like Gauntlets, Wheels, Podao, Staff, and more.

Depending on your playstyle, you may want to switch your weapons. If you haven’t decided which to main yet, you can check out the rankings of all weapon types.

Interestingly, this game has an odd but useful mechanic where you gain EXP for the weapon you are using and level up all the other weapons you have unlocked so far.

So, for example, if you wear a Podao, you also gain a small amount of EXP, close to 200–500 points, for the other weapons, depending on the side mission you do.

This is helpful because at different weapon ranks, you gain additional special attacks. As such, even though you may have started your journey with a Sword, you don’t have to level up the Staff completely from scratch.

You can buy weapons with better stats and passives from the Weapon Shop. Alternatively, some of the best weapons can be found as drops during battles.

How The Rank System Works

How The Rank System Works In Dynasty Warriors Origins

The rank system in Dynasty Warriors Origins is pretty simple. It increases different stats like your health, attack, and defense each time you rank up.

After reaching certain ranks, you also unlock new skill panels and boost your Bravery, a resource to use Battle Arts or abilities.

Here is the number of ranks needed for these rank-up benefits:


Rank Points Needed




Unlocks New Skill Panel


Boosts Your Bravery



Unlocks New Skill Panel


Boosts Your Bravery



Unlocks New Skill Panel


Boosts Your Bravery



Unlocks New Skill Panel



Unlocks New Skill Panel


Boosts Your Bravery



Unlocks New Skill Panel


Boosts Your Bravery


Unlocks New Skill Panel


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How To Get Skills Points Fast In Dynasty Warriors Origins

Best Way To Farm Skill Points Fast In Dynasty Warriors Origins

From mass eliminating enemy mobs to completing training objectives, you can do many things to farm skill points when not completing the main story.

Defeat 100 Enemies For 3 Skill Points

Get 3 Skill Points For Every 100 Enemies That You KO

The easiest and most consistent way to get skill points is to eliminate mobs in battles. For every 100 enemies that you knock out, you get 3 skill points. You can use Musou attacks when surrounded by multiple enemies to defeat them faster.

However, you should use the above method preferably during skirmishes, rather than the main story battles. There is a chance this may distract you from the campaign winning conditions, and you may have to restart the battle.

Complete Training Objectives

Finish Simple Training Objectives In Dynasty Warriors Origins

The other way to get skill points fast is to complete training objectives. As you form bonds with new characters while completing the story, you can often find them in the overworld.

Talk to them and they will give you simple training tasks, like “Defeat 100 enemies using strong attacks with a spear”. Such objectives are easy to complete during skirmishes or requests.

Depending on the objective, you can also swap out your gems. For example, if you are clearing enemy mobs and capturing bases, the Wellspring Gem would work better than the Scorch Gem, as you will restore health per 100 enemies killed instead of doing more damage when parrying them. You’ll need to find some Pyroxene to craft gems.

Unlock Relevant Skills

Get Skills In Dynasty Warrior Origins To Last Longer In Battles

Lastly, spend your skill points on skills that let you fight better and survive more. You can spend points on skills that let you carry more meat buns, such as using your Eyes of the Sacred Bird ability to find them on the battlefield, or to hold more items.

The better abilities that you invest in, the longer you can last in battles. This in turn allows you to defeat more enemies, complete objectives, and eventually gain more skill points.


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