After conquering Sonic, the third film’s writers would love to have a go at making a Zelda movie based on a once divisive entry in the series

After conquering Sonic, the third film’s writers would love to have a go at making a Zelda movie based on a once divisive entry in the series

The team behind Sonic the Hedgehog 3 has proven it knows how to make a video game movie, and now the writers have shared that they’d like to tackle a Zelda movie.

It feels like a bit of a surprising thing to say that Sonic the Hedgehog 3 (the movie one, not the game one) is actually really quite good, considering the series’ lengthy and mixed history. And yet here we are, with a film that managed to pretty successfully adapt the wacky storyline from Sonic Adventure 2, even if the odds were against it. Personally that leaves me feeling confident that the team behind it could treat some other film adaptations of games pretty well, and speaking to IGN, the film’s writers Pat Casey and Josh Miller have shared some games they’d be interested in adapting, which does actually include another Sega title.

“We’ve talked about Golden Axe,” Casey said. “Golden Axe was another good Genesis multiplayer game.” Miller went on to suggest A Boy and His Blob, with Casey adding a slightly odder one to the pile, “the 7-Up game about the dot having a platforming adventure,” or to be precise, Cool Spot, a 1993 platformer all about the red dot from the 7-Up Logo. Though it’s the pair’s most serious suggestion that will likely perk your ears up more than Golden Axe and Cool Spot.

“I think another easy one I think we can answer because the movie’s already happening and we’re already not doing it would be a Zelda,” Miller shared. “I remember always when we played Wind Waker, we were always like, man, I mean, it would probably be weird if they made a Zelda movie to start with Wind Waker versus the more classic Hyrule. But we both loved Wind Waker and it’s so cinematic. Yeah. So after they make this Zelda movie, I guess we’re putting it out there in the world, maybe we can do a Wind Waker spin-off.”

It’s an interesting choice especially considering that, once upon a time, Wind Waker was a more divisive title, with some Zelda fans being repulsed by it due to its cel shaded look. The game is partially beloved for its looks these days, but back in the day there was a large number of Zelda lovers that didn’t like the change from the more serious looking Ocarina of Time and Majora’s Mask.

Still, Wind Waker would certainly make for a fun adaptation, and while Nintendo is making a live-action adaptation, I find it unlikely that it’ll be about Wind Waker anyway (let’s just cross our fingers it isn’t Wand of Gamelon, somehow).


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