One of the most difficult choices a Dungeons & Dragons player faces when creating a character is choosing their spells at level 1, as there are various options to choose from.
While some subclasses will provide non-magical classes with spells, the people who select the Bard, Cleric, Druid, Paladin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Warlock, or Wizard will have to pick some at the start of the game.
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Selecting the right level 1 spells is crucial, as magic is one of the greatest tools the party can call upon in their adventure. Here are the best level 1 spells for players to select for their heroes.
15 Chromatic Orb
Available Classes |
Spell School |
Sorcerer, Wizard |
Evocation |
One issue that a D&D party can run into is elemental resistances. If the party is facing Devils, for example, then fire is completely off the table, as nothing a spellcaster can conjure will make the flames of the Nine Hells.
This is where Chromatic Orb comes into play. Not only does it deal 3d8 damage upon a hit, but the player can select the element type, giving them tons of options for getting around enemy resistances.
Chromatic Orb also received a huge boost in the 2024 rules, as rolling two of the same number on the damage dice will let it hit a secondary target within 30ft.
14 Cure Wounds
The Cleric’s Friend
Available Classes |
Spell School |
Bard, Cleric, Druid, Paladin, Ranger |
Abjuration |
Cure Wounds received a huge upgrade in the shift to the 2024 version of D&D 5e, as it now heals 2d8 damage + spellcasting modifier upon casting, which is double what the 2014 healed.
This spell works as the perfect sidearm to Healing Word. The big difference is that Cure Wounds has a larger dice pool for healing, but it requires an Action to use and the target must be touched.
Cure Wounds is the best low-level healing spell for the allies who have taken a ton of damage and need bringing up to speed.
13 Faerie Fire
The Drow Sidearm
Available Classes |
Spell School |
Bard, Druid |
Evocation |
Faerie Fire forces enemies to make a Dexterity Saving Throw. If they fail, they’re suddenly lit up like a Christmas tree, with flashing lights all over their body.
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This might not seem like an effective combat spell, but the light provides Advantage on all attacks against the target.
Not only is this free Sneak Attacks for the Rogue, but it’s extra dice for every attack, which quickly adds up, especially against a powerful boss enemy that’s going to be soaking up a lot of hits.
12 Find Familiar
Summon Spider Spy Spell
Available Classes |
Spell School |
Wizard |
Conjuration |
Knowing is half the battle, and what better way to find out what’s ahead than with a spy.
Find Familiar creates a magical bat, cat, frog, hawk, lizard, octopus, owl, rat, raven, spider, or weasel. This spirit is under the caster’s total command and they have telepathic communication within 100ft.
A familiar is the ideal creature to send as a forward scout, as there so many options that there should be one that will look like local wildlife and won’t rouse suspicion.
The familiar can also pass on a touch-based spell used by the caster, as well as provide the ally needed to activate a Rogue’s Sneak Attack if moved next to an enemy on the battlefield.
The only problem with Find Familiar is that it costs 10gp per casting, which can be expensive at level 1. However, players are soon drowning in cash, so it won’t be an issue for long. They just have to use it sparingly at the start.
11 Goodberry
The Druid’s Lunchbox
Available Classes |
Spell School |
Druid, Ranger |
Conjuration |
Cure Wounds and Healing Word are the best in-combat healing spells, but what about when the fight ends?
Enter Goodberry. This creates ten berries that heal a single hit points worth of damage. It’s not much use in combat, as it takes an Action to use, but having a guaranteed pool of ten means players can be economical about healing once things calm down.
Goodberry also nourishes a creature a day, meaning players can hand wave away any questions about needing food and water.
10 Grease
Slipping Spells
Available Classes |
Spell School |
Sorcerer, Wizard |
Conjuration |
One of the best spells for dealing with enemies stuck in a bottleneck, Grease can turn combat into a comedy routine to the benefit of the players.
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Grease creates a 10ft square of slippery goo. Any creature entering the slime, ending their turn in it, or are in its AoE when its case must make a Dexterity Saving Throw. If they fail, they’re knocked Prone, ensuring all melee attacks have Advantage.
Grease is a fantastic spell for slowing an enemy advance, especially in a dungeon, where tight corridors and small chambers ensure that the foes must attempt to cross the slime to get to the party.
9 Guiding Bolt
Lighting The Way
Available Classes |
Spell School |
Cleric |
Evocation |
Clerics might be known as the band-aids of the group, but they have one of the best low-level attack spells: Guiding Bolt.
Guiding Bolt creates a blast of holy energy that deals 4d6 Radiant energy, with the next attack against the target having Advantage on their next attack.
Not only does Guiding Bolt deal a ton of damage for its level, but it allows Rogue’s to get a free Sneak Attack in if they’re the next one to hit the target. The only downside is that it requires an attack roll to strike.
8 Hail of Thorns
The Ranger’s Grenade
Available Classes |
Spell School |
Ranger |
Conjuration |
Hunter’s Mark is the best level 1 Ranger spell, but they get it for free as part of their Favored Enemy ability.
The best level 1 spell to choose is Hail of Thorns. If used in tandem with a ranged attack, the target and everything within 5ft must make a Dexterity Saving Throw. If they fail, they take 1d10 Piercing damage.
Hail of Thorns is a fantastic AoE attack spell for dealing with clusters of enemies. As the 2024 version of D&D 5e has so many pushing effects, allies can bunch foes together to make the most of Hail of Thorns.
7 Healing Word
The Quick Revive Spell
Available Classes |
Spell School |
Bard, Cleric, Druid |
Abjuration |
Healing Word doesn’t restore as much health as Cure Wounds, restoring only 2d4 + spellcasting modifier.
What Healing Word has going for it is that it has a ranged effect, with allies up to 60ft a suitable target for its effect. This means an ally who is surrounded by enemies or is far away from the caster can benefit from some healing.
Additionally, Healing Word can be cast as a Bonus Action. This means a Cantrip can also be cast in the same round, which means the player isn’t stuck on healing duty: they can throw out a Sacred Flame in the same turn.
6 Hellish Rebuke
The Infernal Counter
Available Classes |
Spell School |
Warlock |
Evocation |
A staple of Warlock and Tieflings throughout D&D, Hellish Rebuke is one of the best Reaction spells in the game.
When struck by an enemy within 60ft, the player can spend their Reaction to cast Hellish Rebuke, forcing a Dexterity Saving Throw. If they fail, they take 2d10 Fire damage, or half that on a pass.
What makes this spell so great is its Action economy. As the player uses it as a Reaction, they can still cast other spells when it gets to their turn, allowing them to follow up with a separate counterattack.
5 Hex
Eldritch Blast’s Entrée
Available Classes |
Spell School |
Warlock |
Enchantment |
Hex is part of one of the best spell combos in the game, as it can be cast using a Bonus Action, allowing a Cantrip to be used in the same turn.
When Hex is cast on an enemy, each time they’re struck by a spell used by the same caster, they take an extra 1d6 Necrotic damage. If the target dies and the spell is still in effect, the caster can switch it to a new target using their Bonus Action.
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Additionally, the player gets to choose a stat. The target of Hex then has Disadvantage on checks involving that stat.
Hex + Eldritch Blast is a common combo in D&D, as it lets Warlocks rack up a ton of damage against a single target over the course of a battle. It’s so common that it can get boring to use over a long campaign.
4 Magic Missile
No Attack Roll Needed
Available Classes |
Spell School |
Sorcerer, Wizard |
Evocation |
One of the best combat spells since it was introduced in the old days of D&D, Magic Missile is a staple weapon in the arcane arsenal.
Magic Missile’s damage isn’t great: three darts that deal 1d4+1 damage each. What makes this spell so great is that it always hits the target, striking them like a heat-seeking missile.
If the enemy is low on hit points and the party wants to guarantee that the next attack takes them down, then it’s time to whip out Magic Missile to get the job done.
3 Sleep
The Knockout Punch
Available Classes |
Spell School |
Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard |
Enchantment |
Sleep has been one of the best low-level spells throughout the history of D&D. This is due to having a powerful AoE status effect that can take down groups of foes.
The Sleep spell forces enemies to make a Wisdom Saving Throw. If they fail, they’re put asleep, giving them the Incapacitated condition until they take damage. They get a second save at the end of their next turn, even if ignored.
While the AoE effect was toned down in the 2024 Player’s Handbook, it’s still an amazing effect. The ability to temporarily disable foes while taking care of the rest of their group can save a party from being wiped out by a horde of enemies.
2 Tasha’s Hideous Laughter
Doesn’t Work On Big Bang Theory Fans
Available Classes |
Spell School |
Bard, Warlock, Wizard |
Enchantment |
If there’s a big dumb enemy on the field, the best way to take them down is with laughter of the Tasha variety.
Tasha’s Hideous Laughter forces the target to make a Wisdom Saving Throw. If they fail, they can’t stop laughing, giving them the Prone and Incapacitated condition. They get to make the save again at the end of their turns or if they take damage.
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Not only does this spell rob the enemy of their turn, but knocking them Prone means any melee attacks have Advantage. This means it’s possible to keep a big foe out of combat, or steal a turn and give allies boosted attacks if they can surround it.
1 Thunderous Smite
Lightning Fast Punches
Available Classes |
Spell School |
Paladin |
Evocation |
While Divine Smite is the best level 1 Paladin spell, they get it for free and always prepped when they hit level 2.
The other best option is Thunderous Smite. On a successful hit, the target takes 2d6 Thunder damage and must make a Strength Saving Throw to be pushed 10ft away and be knocked Prone.
The reason Thunderous Smite is better than Searing Smite and Wrathful Smite is that those deal Fire and Necrotic damage, which a ton of common D&D enemies either resist or are immune to.
It’s a lot rarer for an enemy to have Thunder resistance, which means Thunderous Smite will be more useful throughout an entire campaign.
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