10 Most Iconic Video Game Power-Ups

Power-ups are a common sight in particular genres of video game, moreso in older games.

Back before games became particularly complicated, a power-up was a great way to give your players a temporary boost in capability and preserve the game’s momentum.


The Super Mario Bros. Movie: 10 Best Power-Ups, Ranked

The Super Mario Bros. Movie featured several unique and familiar power-ups, but these are surely some of the best and most powerful ones.

As power-ups are such an old concept, there are naturally quite a few classics throughout gaming history. And, we intend to rank some of the finest to ever grace our screens.

Since the concept of a “power-up” is a little broad, we’re laying down a few rules: first, a power-up must be temporary, limited either by time or damage. Second, a weapon is not a power-up. Finally, we’re sticking to one power-up per series (though different series in a single franchise are fair game).

10 Super Mushroom

Super Mario Bros.

Mario approaches a Super Mushroom in Super Mario Bros.

One of the most iconic power-ups in all of gaming is none other than the Super Mushroom of Super Mario Bros.

Pick one up, and plain ol’ tiny Mario doubles in size into Super Mario.

Some folk have been concerned that a Super Mushroom is actually a Toad, given its eyes and ability to move.

In actuality, according to the original game manual, Bowser transformed the Mushroom Kingdom residents into blocks and bricks.

When you hit a ? Block and get a Mushroom, that’s just a thankful resident giving Mario a snack, not becoming a snack.

It’s probably just a throwaway explanation that’s likely already been retconned, but if nothing else, we’re pretty sure Super Mushrooms aren’t sapient beings. Probably.

9 Berserk


Under the effects of Berserk in Doom

The original Doom is more about its various weapons and the bullets they fire, but there are a couple of power-ups the Marine can grab to help him along.

The coolest one is Berserk, a little medkit in a dark box. When grabbed, the Marine immediately flies into a frothing, red-eyed rage.

In the Berserk state, you can only use your fists to attack, but every hit instantly kills enemies.

The Berserk power-up has persisted throughout the Doom series and into the modern day.

When you get one in Doom 2016 and Eternal, the effects are similar, though the Slayer also gets to perform unique, extra-brutal Glory Kills.

8 Invincible Candy

Kirby’s Dream Land

Kirby approaches Invincible Candy in Kirby's Dream Land

Kirby’s always been a bit of a problem-solver, using his many Copy Abilities to handle punks rather than relying on power-ups.

That said, he didn’t have his Copy Ability in the first of his games, Kirby’s Dream Land — something else came first.

Kirby’s first true brush with power-ups was the swirly, starry, Invincible Candy.

While invincible, Kirby can casually brush aside any enemies in his way, allowing him to dash and float through a stage unbothered.

An old joke is that the candy is so sugar-dense that it gives Kirby the mother of all sugar rushes, which is where the invincibility comes from.

7 Aku Aku

Crash Bandicoot

Crash wears Aku Aku in Crash Bandicoot

Aku Aku (or “Hooda-Booga” as he’s affectionately known to some) is the guardian spirit mask that aids Crash Bandicoot in his many endeavors.

Throughout the series, finding Aku Aku will allow Crash to resist one hit from an enemy or hazard, though he won’t protect him from pits.

A second Aku Aku will give Crash an additional hit point, and a third Aku Aku will make Crash invulnerable for a brief period.

Fun fact, in Crash games where you play as a villainous character like Cortex, you’ll instead be protected by Aku Aku’s evil brother, Uka Uka.

6 Rambi

Donkey Kong Country

Riding Rambi in Donkey Kong Country

The main power-up system in the Donkey Kong Country games are the Kongs’ various Animal Buddies, who offer the apes a ride through dangerous areas.

The first and most well-known of the Animal Buddies is Rambi the Rhinoceros, a small yet burly Rhino that carries DK on his back.

Rambi’s brute strength is greater than even DK’s, as he’s able to both easily plow through most enemy types and even smash open boulders and false walls.

Unfortunately, he’s still a living being, so taking damage from behind or a hazard will have him buck DK off and make a run for it.

5 Power Pellet


Ghosts affected by a Power Pellet in Pac-Man

Perhaps one of the earliest instances of a power-up in a video game came about from Pac-Man’s signature Power Pellets, also known as Energizers and Power Cookies.

Every maze has exactly four Power Pellets, which, when consumed, allow Pac-Man to chomp any ghosts that may be chasing him.


The Power Pellet In Pac-Man Shifted Power Back To The Players

Nothing cures Pac-Man’s appetite like downing a power pellet and munching on ghosts

These Power Pellets need to be used strategically, as once they’re all gobbled, you won’t get any more until the next maze.

Fun fact, Power Pellets were a major plot element in the 1982 Pac-Man animated series, serving as the power source for Pac-Man’s city and its residents.

4 Power Sneakers

Sonic The Hedgehog

Sonic rolls toward Power Sneakers in Sonic the Hedgehog

Sonic is his name, and speed is his game, so naturally, his best power-up would be something speed-related.

Appearing all the way back in the first Sonic the Hedgehog, the Power Sneakers took the hedgehog’s already impressive speed to new heights.

As soon as you get the Power Sneakers, you immediately accelerate to your top speed, which is also boosted. You can also jump a little higher than usual.

The effect lasts for around 20 seconds, during which the game’s music also accelerates to a mildly hilarious degree.

3 Starman

Super Mario Kart

Using a Starman in Super Mario Kart

While both the mainline Mario games and the Mario Kart series have some crossover in terms of power-ups, their use cases are slightly different.

Case in point, using a Starman in Super Mario Kart is a wholly different matter from using one in the sidescrollers.

Not only does using a Starman make you invincible to hazards, it also noticeably increases your speed, allows you to roll over rough terrain without slowing down, and lets you plow through opponents.

A Starman in a sidescroller is an occasional treat, but a Starman in Mario Kart is a force of nature.

Getting one is exhilarating, and hearing a racer using one behind you is absolutely terrifying.

2 Pizza Power

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles In Time

Leonardo next to a Power Pizza in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time

For the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, pizza is paramount — it’s not only their favorite food, it’s their source of quick energy in their arcade escapades.

In Turtles in Time, you can find the usual healing pizza in levels, but that’s not all there is.

Some pizza boxes are marked with a bomb symbol, and when you pick them up, your turtle will immediately launch into a powerful spinning attack for several seconds.

When used strategically, Pizza Power can immediately clear a screen of enemies, saving you the effort of doing it while scoring you big points.

1 Chateau Romani

The Legend Of Zelda: Majora’s Mask

Link gets a bottle of Chateau Romani in The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask

Milk is a recurring usable power-up throughout the 3D Legend of Zelda games, especially the N64 games.

In both Ocarina of Time and Majora’s Mask, a regular bottle of milk will heal a few hearts.

In Majora’s Mask, though, there’s a special kind of milk you can get from the Milk Bar in Clock Town: Chateau Romani.

A single swig of this top-shelf milk not only fully restores Link’s hearts, but gives him unlimited magic for the entire duration of the current three-day cycle.

We don’t know what exactly is in this milk, but whatever it is, it must be crazy nutritious.


Vampire Survivors: 10 Best Power Ups, Ranked

Let me show you how to spend that early-game Gold.

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