10 Best Holobytes in Hyper Light Breaker

10 Best Holobytes in Hyper Light Breaker

Holobytes are your main way to make builds in Hyper Light Breaker, providing you with stat buffs, adjusting your weapons and movement, and occasionally giving you some much-needed health.

Each Holobyte can only be equipped once, with no stacking like in Risk of Rain, and only five total slots available, making it quite a difficult decision when you’ve got multiple good options.


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My list is a good reference for what to prioritize on the average build, though my word is not gospel, given there are quite a few situations where some “worse” Holobytes are better.

This is meant to tell you which is the best for any given run that isn’t going for any particular build, and the best ones on this list should be easily slotted into any build and perform well.

While the higher rarity Holobytes are almost always great and helpful, their increased rarity makes them less useful, as you’ll find them in far fewer runs. If a common one is equally helpful, it’ll be ranked higher. As always, use your best judgment if you want the best build possible.

10 Rail Damage

Gunning for the Top

Screenshot of the Output Coupler Holobyte in Hyper Light Breaker.

I decided to group all the generic 30% extra damage to Rails Holobytes, since the one you choose is entirely dependent on what rail you’re using, and as long as you get the right one, it’ll work alright.

It’s not the best Holobyte for Rails, and I only recommend it if you’re relying rather heavily on your gun, but if you are, it’s an absolute game changer and stacks incredibly well with other damage modifiers.

If you’re stacking multiple modifiers, especially with Synergy from the Skill Tree, you’ll find yourself frequently one-shotting enemies at a distance, not even needing to blink before you off them.

That does make this rather build-dependent, but if you’ve got an open slot or something that isn’t too beneficial, getting extra damage on your main ranged option can never hurt.

9 Steady Shot

Ready, Aim, Fire!

Screenshot of the Steady Shot Holobyte in Hyper Light Breaker.

In my opinion, this is like the Rail Damage but even better, as Steady Shot applies to every gun, takes a few seconds to fully charge, and leaves you with extremely high power shots.

This is especially effective in combination with shotguns and makes Rails one of the best offensive options in the game if you get this and Rail Damage on the same build.


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The only downside is leaving yourself open for a little longer, but if you put some distance between yourself and your target, you’re usually pretty safe, unless there’s a random pack of dogs behind you, which isn’t uncommon.

Just like the previous one, it won’t fit into every build, but as long as you’re looking for extra ranged damage, this is your best bet and can easily eat through enemy health like nothing.

8 Channeling Thread

Finally, Healing

Screenshot of the Channeling Thread Holobyte in Hyper Light Breaker.

Health is one of the most valuable resources in Hyper Light Breaker, and Channeling Thread is an excellent way to gain back some of your lost HP (if you’re good at the game, at least).

It heals back your Red HP when you parry, which means the health you most recently lost, and it means learning the parry timing for weak enemies so you can consistently heal.

This thing has kept me living during boss fights far longer than I should have, as I can parry the one attack I’m comfortable taking head on, get my health back, then get right back into action.

It’s not going to help if you’re never parrying things, though, and it’s certainly not for the faint of heart, but if you can manage to deflect a few attacks, you’ll start appreciating it real quickly.

7 Flash Reflector

Shine Spark

Screenshot of the Flash Reflector Holobyte in Hyper Light Breaker.

If you’re playing the game right, you’re probably spamming your dash attack frequently, as it’s a great way to gain invincibility frames and stagger enemies frequently, and this is especially encouraged by Flash Reflector.

It makes any projectile near you reflect right back to the attacker every time you dash attack, which is an excellent bonus to have when you’re Flash Stepping constantly.

It completely nullifies projectiles, makes you deal more damage, and simply does not have a downside, unless you’re using one of the few weapons with a terrible Flash Step.

That’s a minor gripe that is only applicable to the heavier weapons that don’t get much reward on Flash Step. Every other weapon benefits heavily from this Holobyte, making it an easy top pick.

6 Micron Edge

Massive Damage

Screenshot of the Micron Edge Holobyte in Hyper Light Breaker.

This is, unfortunately, one of the rarest Holobytes, but it’s so incredibly worthwhile that I’d be lying if I didn’t put it on this list. Micron Edge gives you more Crit Chance, and 50% extra Crit Damage, and that’s incredible.

Crits are far rarer in this game than in the typical RPG, only coming around once in a blue moon and typically at around a 3% chance at your base level, making this a hearty increase.

On top of that, your Crit Damage is usually around 150% by default, so boosting that to 200% makes this a pretty great damage increase, and it’s especially worth taking if you’ve upgraded Crit Damage.

At its peak with a fully upgraded character, this can make you deal crits around 20% of the time and deal 300% on crit, making for some incredibly hard-hitting attacks very frequently.

5 Spiked Cleats

Running On Stamina

Screenshot of the Spiked Cleats Holobyte in Hyper Light Breaker.

The description of Spiked Cleats is somewhat misleading, stating that it deals 10% additional damage for every point of stamina, which means 10% extra damage for each Stamina Pip.

I wish it meant the Stamina stat because then I’d be dealing 1500% damage, but it’s still really practical and an effective tool for getting a large damage boost across all your attacks.

You’ve essentially got a 20% increase by default, and with a Stamina upgrade and a Holobyte that gives you an extra Stamina Pip, you’ve taken that up to 40% extra damage on every attack.

It’s certainly a bit more build-dependent, but if you can manage to pull off a heavily Stamina-focused build, this will do wonders, especially when combined with other damage boosters.

4 Blade Damage

Slice and Dice

Screenshot of the Carbon Knuckles Holobyte in Hyper Light Breaker.

Your Blade is usually your main source of DPS, which is why I put this way higher than rail damage, as ensuring you have the 20% damage increase to your choice of weapon is a necessity.

These common Holobytes give you an incredible edge, working for your primary attack, Flash Step, Charge Attack, and Special, and stacking multiplicatively with other damage-increasers.

For example, if you’ve got 30% extra damage from Spiked Cleats, and a Holobyte to increase Blade Damage by 20%, you’d imagine that would give you 50% extra, but it gives 60% and gets crazier the more you pile on.

This is the basis of every good build, and making sure you can take advantage of the multiplicative stacking is how you shred boss health bars in seconds, with this being a great contributor.

3 Flicker Shadow

Step Aside

Screenshot of the Flicker Shadow Holobyte in Hyper Light Breaker.

Your dash is one of the best ways to avoid getting a third of your health bar taken out by a random enemy, and the quarter second of invincibility that Flicker Shadow grants is a lifesaver.

I’ve had several boss encounters where I accidentally dash right into an attack, but ended up perfectly fine, because Flicker Shadow made me invincible and I left unscathed.

It’s even more ridiculous considering it counts Flash Steps as dashing, meaning you can spam them to remain invincible for almost the entire duration of your attack.

You might see this and think it unnecessary if you’re already great at dodging, but even then, for the Flash Step cheese alone, I’d say this is worth grabbing in almost any build.

2 Critical Ring

Finally, More Healing

Screenshot of the Critical Ring Holobyte in Hyper Light Breaker.

Somehow, I only saw the Critical Ring on my first ever run, then didn’t encounter it until 25 hours later, despite it not even being one of the rarest Holobytes. The game probably knows how good it is, and kept it from me.

This is the better big brother of Channeling Thread, not making you learn how to parry to restore your lost HP, instead passively restoring it any time you crit, and if you’re building well, you should crit a lot.


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I’ve had several boss encounters where I got hit and just kept wailing on the enemy, critting often enough to not lose any health, and shredding the enemy’s health by never having to let up.

This helps immensely in making health scarcity less of an issue, and if you’re willing to engage with enemies after getting hit, you’ll be rewarded by not requiring a Medkit.

1 Materials Processor

The Power of Hoarding

Screenshot of the Materials Processor Holobyte in Hyper Light Breaker.

Materials Processor is easily the best damage-increasing Holobyte I know of, scaling up in damage every time you collect a Material while it’s equipped, not resetting until it breaks.

This means you can get up to incredibly high damage modifiers by just grabbing everything you see, getting 0.25% extra damage with every pickup, and easily shredding bosses.

As long as you keep collecting, this can scale infinitely high, as far as I’m aware, and for a common Holobyte you can find within a few minutes of playing the game, that’s pretty damn good.

It’s immensely powerful, has the same multiplicative scaling as all the other damage boosters, and as long as you don’t die and get good, it’ll benefit you way more than anything else.


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